Versuri originale: Szomorú Vasárnap (Gloomy Sunday)

Articol din categoria: Texte in Engleza English

propus de: cosmina pe data: 26 Sep 2009
sursa: Cosmina

Duminica trista (Gloomy Sunday) - celebrul cantec 'Hungarian Suicide Song' - a fost compus in 1933. Melodia si versurile au fost compuse de Rezsõ Seress, pianist si compozitor nascut in Ungaria, in 1899.

Rezsõ Seress lyrics

Szomorú Vasárnap

Õsz van és peregnek a sárgult levelek
Meghalt a földön az emberi szeretet
Bánatos könnyekkel zokog az öszi szél
Szívem már új tavaszt nem vár és nem remél
Hiába sírok és hiába szenvedek
Szívtelen rosszak és kapzsik az emberek...

Meghalt a szeretet!

Vége a világnak, vége a reménynek
Városok pusztulnak, srapnelek zenélnek
Emberek vérétõl piros a tarka rét
Halottak fekszenek az úton szerteszét
Még egyszer elmondom csendben az imámat:
Uram, az emberek gyarlók és hibáznak...

Vége a világnak!


Traducere in limba engleza:

Gloomy Sunday

It is autumn and the leaves are falling
All love has died on earth
The wind is weeping with sorrowful tears
My heart will never hope for a new spring again
My tears and my sorrows are all in vain
People are heartless, greedy and wicked...

Love has died!

The world has come to its end, hope has ceased to have a meaning
Cities are being wiped out, shrapnel is making music
Meadows are coloured red with human blood
There are dead people on the streets everywhere
I will say another quiet prayer:
People are sinners, Lord, they make mistakes...

The world has ended!


Traducerea in limba romana:

Duminica trista

Este toamna si frunzele cad
Toate dragostea a murit pe pamant
Vantul plange cu lacrimi amare
Inima-mi nicicand nu va mai spera la a noua primavara
Lacrimile si necazurile mele sunt toate in zadar
Oamenii sunt fara inima, lacomi si rai ...

Dragostea a murit!

Lumea a ajuns la sfarsit, speranta a incetat sa mai aiba un sens
Orasele sunt distruse, srapnelul isi face auzita muzica
Campiile sunt rosii, cu sange de om
Sunt oameni morti pe strazi, peste tot
Voi sopti o alta rugaciune:
Oamenii sunt pacatosi, Doamne, si fac greseli...

Lumea s-a sfarsit!

My life. I want my life be different and I could be someone else, to die and to live in the same time, to love and hate you forever to feel alive. I wish.......................... to be with [...]
articol precedent
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer: Lyrics. Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw him, you would even say it glows. All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names. [...]
articol următor

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